Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Altea sweet Altea

      One 6-hour plane ride to New York, from there a 7+ hour plane ride to Madrid, a 40-minute shuttle to the bus station where I boarded a 6-hour bus ride to Benidorm and was picked up by Arianna (Edge director) and Matt (Edge intern) and driven to Altea. Fortunately, my excitement in seeing Arianna and knowing I had finally made it superceded my exhaustion. Even though my body had no idea what time it was and whether or not I should be dead tired or wide awake, as soon as I reconnected with friends I had a shock of energy. My extraversion is the real deal, folks.

      I feel so at peace being back. I am not stressed, I am not feeling unprepared or worried about our time here and the Edge schedule and my duties as intern, etc etc. It is amazing how familiar Altea is to me. Walking into Bits and Bites and seeing Susanna and Vidal was so natural. What a blessing to be back here!

      At the same time, I am once again knocked over by the clear barriers put up against our faith, against Jesus. The lifestyle here, my friends here - they like me just fine but they do not give 2 cents about Christianity. It feels like I would be selling something. How do I get away from that?! I don't want to sell anything. The need to be in tune with the Holy Spirit is so strong. Every day. Because if I am walking in the Spirit and living life through him, then the truth will flow out. I think. That is my prayer, anyway.

      So, Friday I move in to "my" house. The house we rented for 6 of us girls on the team. Gracie (another intern, who was also here on my trip last year) and I are the casa mamas for 4 'edgies'.

That's all for now.